




collaborative packaging design

In Fall 2022, I partook in a collaborative studio course where I was assigned a group in which we were to solve a packaging problem. My group quickly took towards the workout supplement space, where we created a new brand that would solve the current market’s vast array of problems. Working with other UC DAAP students of different design majors was quite the education experience, demonstrating how many kinds of design are necessary for every project.

Current workout supplements lack hierarchy, sustainability, and are complicated to learn and use.
How can we create a workout supplement brand for beginners that focuses on ease of use and sustainability?

A three-step supplement routine simple enough for the beginner to learn and the intermediate to be loyal to. 

benchmarking: Pain points




Drawn by group member, Ines Reutter


brand naming

Our group ultimately landed on naming our brand ‘Stark’ due to the relevant definition of the word in both the German and English language. Our group member, Ines Reutter, was a German exchange student during this semester of study in industrial design at UC DAAP. So, this dual-language naming was a fun nod to our group.



brand identity


Final product renders



Introducing a sleek workout trio with substantial sustainability benefits. Stark provides a step-by-step supplement routine with easy to follow instructions. The steel canister is beautiful enough to leave out
on your counters, but also provides a more user friendly, recyclable vessel to get your supplement powders
out of. A single portion sized scoop attaches by magnet to the top of the canister lids so you don’t have
to worry about fishing it out with every use. Inspired by old school fuel canisters, these containers are sure
to gear you up to work out, but also are perfectly refillable.


01. energy

Pre-Workout Caffeine Powder


02. fuel

Mid-Workout Supplement Tablets


03. recovery

Post-Workout Protein Powder